We’re constantly looking to improve the Certified Installer Scheme, and we want to ensure that high quality standards are maintained.
Having reviewed your valuable feedback, we’re now making some improvements to the assessment process.
What’s changing?
Starting this month, we’re introducing a new assessment process for installers.
The changes will start to come into effect this month, beginning with reassessments of existing installers. You will see a change in how you’re assessed, as VELUX Service Technicians will manage the assessments rather than BBA assessors. We see this is an important step as technicians understand and work with the products every day, which helps us maintain the high standard of assessments undertaken.
In addition to this, assessments will be undertaken at a live installation, rather than a technician assessing work already finished. This will provide more insight into the whole installation process and allow the technicians to report on multiple elements of installation in detail, increasing the robustness.
Why are assessments changing?
We are looking to evolve the current process and make it more stringent. This will help us to ensure that we are strengthening the high credibility of the installers within the Certified Installer Scheme.
Your feedback will help us to continually develop the assessment process
The changes that we’re introducing this month will not be the last improvements that we make. The assessment process will be developed and tweaked over time to make sure that it is robust and appropriate, ensuring that the current standard of members and those that are recruited are of the highest standard within the industry.
As we are always keen to get your feedback, the first few installers to undertake the new process will be asked to let us know what they think. This will go a long way to helping us evolve the process for the whole Scheme.
Summary of the new assessment process
To summarise, the main points are:
If you have any questions about the new assessment process, please email us at VELUX@diversity.agency, or call us on 0115 784 1503.