21st March 2019


At VELUX we are soon to be implementing a change to our product envelope, which is found on the pane of the newly purchased VELUX roof window.
15th March 2019

Richard Jones wins latest bi-monthly competition

Every two months we showcase the great projects you’ve been working on. Thanks for sending us loads of photos, and we can reveal the latest lucky recipient of £100/€120 in VELUX Rewards and the next steps for the competition.
15th March 2019

Your three-step guide to earning VELUX Rewards

You could earn thousands of pounds in vouchers every year for the VELUX products you’re already purchasing. Find out how easy it is to earn Rewards in our simple three-step guide
15th March 2019

Installers give thumbs up to new face-to-face training

The first two VELUX face-to-face training sessions took place in January, so we caught up with some of the Installers to find out what they thought about the training days and when the next training dates are
15th March 2019

Your local technician

To improve the support you receive from VELUX, we’re allocating every Certified Installer a dedicated VELUX technician. Whatever your technical query, your technician will be on hand to help
30th January 2019

Your online brochures

Download your 2019 product brochure and blinds brochure here
2nd November 2018

Our latest Rewards offer

Our Autumn offer is coming to an end, but you don’t have to miss out. Our latest offer for the final two months of 2018 will give you the chance to earn as much as you can before the end of 2018!
2nd November 2018

Improving quality – the new assessment process

We’re introducing a new assessment process for Certified Installers and we’ll be using your feedback to help shape it. Find out more about the improvements we have made and how you can help us to develop the process further.
2nd November 2018

Latest bi-monthly competition winner announced

Every two months we showcase your work and the great projects you’ve been working on. Thanks for sending us loads of photos, and we can reveal the latest lucky recipient of £100/€120 in VELUX Rewards.
2nd November 2018

How to build a website

A great website helps you to sell your services, build credibility and showcase examples of your workmanship. We’ve put together an essential guide to building an effective website, and as a Certified Installer you can download it for free!
18th October 2018

Improving quality through the new assessment process

We listened to you and following your feedback, we are now starting to roll out the new assessment process for members. We want to continually improve the Certified Installer Scheme, and this is a step in that direction as we aim to evolve the current process.
31st August 2018

The latest bi-monthly competition winner

Every two months, our bi-monthly competition celebrates the great projects that you work on. Over the last couple of months, we’ve seen loads of your ‘transformation’ projects. These are the before/after photos that show how you’ve transformed a space with the help of VELUX products.